Author Archives: admin

Why is sleep so disrespected?

Ultimately the purpose of sleep is to take time for the body to renew.

To re-energize.

To recover.

To prepare for the next foray into the world.

It amazes me how our society, and, specifically, business owners look at sleep.

Now, I am not a sleep scientist. I am not someone who has fist full of research studies on the benefits of sleep. However, I can tell you that I feel better with a good night’s sleep, and less so at the end of a week with only 5-6 hours per night. Read More..

You Are A Warrior!

Overall, I think we are society that is very hard on ourselves. We, most often don’t take the time to give ourselves some credit.

Most of us live a busy life, with lots of things pulling us in many directions.

We often put those in the public eye on a pedestal.  Let’s take a minute to give you some credit. You are a warrior. Read More..